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Kylie-Ann Gatecliffe

Kylie-Ann Gatecliffe

Owner, KAG Financial

Part of Linear Financial Solutions 2017 – 2022

“I have grown from a one-woman band working from my dining table to a team of eight with a double storey office. It has been amazing to have the support from Linear Financial Solutions to allow us to grow.”

Career journey

  • Joined as a self-employed adviser
  • From one-woman band to a team of eight
  • Now an AR of PRIMIS Mortgage Network
  • Mortgage and protection applications increased by 500%
  • Highest rated firms on Google in local area

“The only way I could create a business shaped how I wanted was to do it myself with the support of Linear Financial Solutions.”

Why did you join Linear Financial Solutions?

I had previously been an advisor with an estate agent. Although I enjoyed my job and loved advising clients, the culture of the company was toxic and there was very little room for improvement as any suggestions were not taken on board by management. So, I knew the only way I could create a business shaped how I wanted it, with the client in mind – was to do it myself.

What were your career goals when you joined Linear Financial Solutions?

To create a stand-out mortgage broker firm, which would be enjoyable for clients to interact with. Whilst having more flexibility around my personal and working pattern.

How did you find the transition?

The training and support was excellent, in particular the protection training.

What career progression did you make during your time with Linear Financial Solutions?

I have always traded as KAG Financial under Linear Financial Solutions but it was just myself within the business. Over the past few years with Linear Financial Solutions I have grown from a one-woman band working from my dining table to a team of eight with a double storey office. So, it has been amazing to have the support from Linear Financial Solutions to allow us to grow.

In this time, our mortgage and protection applications have increased by 5-fold. We are now one of the highest rated firms on google in our area too.

How has the ongoing support from Linear Financial Solutions helped you achieve your goals?

It was always really helpful to have someone to ask advice when I needed it. I had more scope to grow the business and increased business levels which as a result has increased my confidence as an advisor.

How did your time with Linear Financial Solutions impact your personal life?

I’ve been given much more flexibility around my personal and working life.

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